Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jennifer L. Armentrout + Opal

   As you all know, I've been sort of obsessing over Jennifer L. Armentrout. But I can't help it, she's just so awesome! Why is she so awesome, you ask? As if you didn't already know.
   Not only does she write one of my favorite series (Lux), and write she does extremely well, but she just seems really cool. She's probably one of the few people who would put up with my weirdness. Maybe. Ha.
   Anyway, another reason why she's awesome: She's having a giveaway on the third and newest book in the Lux series, Opal! If this doesn't make everybody love her even more, I don't know what will.
   Just seeing this makes me so excited: 
Bask in its awesomeness!

Link: http://www.jenniferarmentrout.com/want-to-read-opal/

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November Book Haul + Update!

No hard feelings?

I was about to head off to get some sleep after a long day when I realized that it has been way too long since I chatted up with you guys! I'm sorry to leave you hanging, but I have some excuses. Sigh. Excuses, excuses.

1. My thumb broke nearly a month ago, and still hasn't fully healed. Physical therapy has become a big pastime for me. You can't imagine how difficult it is for me to type with one hand! So frustrating. But I digress...

2. NaNoWriMo! I really need to catch up on my story, but just the fact that I'm crazy and awesome enough to write 50k words in one month proves my business point. (NaNo: http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/participants/loverofliterary)

3. Rehearsals this entire month, most days, plus eighteen performances in a production I'm in starts next week. And I need to get rid of this cold. Like now.

4. I'm in mourning. My beloved dog of twelve years recently passed away. Less than three days ago, actually. He was there when nobody else was (as was books, but you know) and was, in a sense, my best friend. It feels as though I've lost a family member, and I fear I cannot even speak of him without tearing up. 

5. I've grown accustomed to the life of Twitter (https://twitter.com/MusingShadows). And stalking everything Lux-related (http://www.goodreads.com/series/66252-lux).

6. I'm addicted to roleplaying. It's quite fun. (GoodReads rocks!)

7. I've run out of excuses.

Okay, so there are a few more distractions going on, but it'll take too long to type...with one hand. But, as a special treat, I have gotten a few more books. One of them (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11958583-skinny) I won from FirstReads (GR) Giveaway (Screams and runs around the room like a maniac because I rarely win anything)! There are two here yet to arrive, sent to me for review as well.

I've also joined NetGalley, so hopefully I should have a few eBooks to review, if allowed. So exciting!
That's all for now, but I'll give you updates and such further on.
What books have you received recently?